Pourquoi ceci se passe-t-il ?

It’s always nice to have a friend in the audience.
Noam Chomsky

Il s’agit de ceci, d’un incident un peu gros, entre autres de ce qui peut se pas­ser tout le temps dans ce qu’on appelle les sociétés analytiques. Pourquoi ceci se passe-t-il ?
Jacques Lacan

If you open your mouth, make a glottal stop, and flick a finger against your neck just to the side and below the jaw, you will hear a note, just as you would if you tapped on a bottle. If you tilt your head slightly backward so that the skin of the neck is stretched while you tap, you may be able to hear this sound somewhat better.
Ladefoged & Johnson


Há muito tempo, no Diário da República de 24 de Março de 2015, apareceu-nos este

Quase três anos depois, verificamos que

nada mudou.

Está tudo exactamente na mesma, de forma sistemática, desde Janeiro de 2012. [Read more…]