They met some thirty years ago…

Some thirty years ago, I used to carry my youngest daughter to the school, half a block away from the house.  She was blonde, red on her white cheeks, very cheeky, even with me. What a big patience from Dad…

Her face used to illuminate as soon as she saw Katy Pompar, her teacher, and that lot of friends, always surrounded by  Russel, Cosh, or  Campbell,  Harrison and another, distant classmate, Felix Ilsley. There were many more. Time passes away and one forgets names, but not faces, games and intimacy

children playing away

children playing away

Time passes away. They grow up. They study. They ride their bicycles in our Cambridge town and surroundings countryside. Secondary School meets them at their eleven years of age, and six years later, the Pre University A level School. Camila was always a bright student. Just a glance on a book and the ideas, as also happened with our elder daughter Paula, became a memory in their minds.

To wake her up in the morning was an agony. She always wanted to sleep more! I used to go into her bedroom and bed and sung for her. It used to be a sweet lullaby to wake her up, very smoothly, lovely and tender. For a number of years, she came to be the woman of the house: her Mother used to work away from Cambridge, and I, away from UK. Problems of the adults…that children pay…

Time flew away. She became my soul mate, my companion, my caretaker. I am so grateful!

Because of family work, Felix had to leave St. Pauls’ Primary school….

Years later, they mate again…and the miracle

love and tenderness

love and tenderness

happened…Despite my illness, I was flown to Cambridge, to take our daughter to the Registry…to

Father carrying daughter to get married

Father carrying daughter to get married

marry. All the rest was with them. I was only Father and Father-in-Law

Bridgroom awaited....

Bridgroom awaited....

In days to come very shortly, the result of that affection will turn up into this world as a she baby, whether Javiera, Imogene, Rebecca, not Elisa, but this

she will be a daughter, on Deceber 16th, at 11th hours of the morning

she will be a daughter, on Deceber 16th, at 11th hours of the morning

What a lovely meeting of Camila and Felix after more than 20 something years…They will last forever…


  1. Luis Moreira says:

    Que família bonita!

  2. maria monteiro says:

    Às vezes faz muito frio, até mesmo no coração mas tem que se prestar sempre atenção ao que é essencial e esse essencial é, tal como o Luís disse acima, a sua família bonita . Prof. Raul que o nascimento da sua neta lhe traga neste Natal a força de agarrar a vida mesmo quando a saúde se apresenta debilitada
    Feliz Natal

  3. Raul Iturra says:

    Caro Luís, o seu comentário é curto mas diz muita coisa! Não há melhor comentário que os sintéticos. Como os de Maria, que me congratula pela neta que vai nascer e traz paz e serenidade ao coração. Sim, tenho uma família bonita, querida e prestimosa. Quanto a agarrar a vida, eu trabalho imenso para isso e esta neta é o meu prazer! Tenho outra, mas há filhas e filhas. Amo as minhas duas, mas a mais nova que deve-me fazer avô, estou certo, a 26 de Dezembro, é a minha filha companheira! Obrigado e feliz Natal a todos, como toda a mina família à distância!, mas comigo pelo Skype….

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